Tag Archives: Number Girl

Dizzy Girl

2 Jun

Tonight is my final night here, the last night I will be with my cat. I’m not sure if he will still be here when I get back. I’m hoping. Hoping against hope. My mind will always be here, thinking of him.

So I leave for Jakarta tomorrow, and then get on a flight to Singapore the next evening. Okay, I have yet to find out if I actually have a visa to go to Germany, and there is no way for me to know except to get my passport myself, but the flights have been bought. Worst case, I don’t get a visa, I book a flight to the Philippines and lose like 14jt IDR in the process. Maybe I can just go back to Indonesia and be with my cat. I can’t really think straight right now.

Setting aside all the immediate unknowns, a recent bright spot was that I was able to buy a ticket to Number Girl’s Nagoya Diamond Hall gig. Yesterday I had set the alarm, turned on my laptop, got my credit card ready, and then waited for 8 AM. The special Ticket Pia site (they had set up a special one for people who have no Japanese postal address) was down and I had to keep clicking, for about 15 minutes, till I finally got through. I was so nervous about the entire thing I even entered my birth month incorrectly lol. But anyway, I purchased the ticket successfully. So that’s one thing for sure: Japan in September. Just gonna have to get the visa early enough lol. I’m stoked.

Cleaning up a bt, hanging out with cat. Let’s see about tomorrow.

They got back together.

31 Mar

Japanese band Number Girl, that is.

I learned about it a month after they made the announcement (15 February) after seeing this comment on a YouTube: The reunion hype is real. I’m like, what? And so it is true, they’ve re-formed, they’re on Twitter, they got tour dates. They’re kickstarting it in the Rising Sun Rock Festival in Ezo in August. The last leg of their tour, in Nagoya, coincides with a term break and I have as good as pencilled it in. Lol. Gonna contact a person I know in Japan to help me purchase a ticket. I’m really excited.

This will be a dream come true for me. They’re my number one favourite band, and as I only discovered their music four years after they broke up, I’ve always thought about how, if and when I finally do travel to Japan, I’d sort of do a mini-pilgrimage and visit places connected to them. So it’s pretty rad that I might actually get to see them live. Somehow I really cannot believe it.

All I want for Christmas is OIMH3

18 Dec

Hm, right.

Anyway, here’s a clip from Omoide in My Head 3 about how Number Girl started out. Translations are by Marekenshin of the Distortional Addict forums.

“This is Number Girl”

Summer, 1995, Fukuoka City, Kyuushuu

Here is the heart, the spirit of Fukuoka.
In this asphalt jungle, there was a man with too much free time.

“Hey, Mukai, welcome.”

“Nakao Kentarou works here?”
“He’s doing lighting right now.”

“Oh, Mukai, it’s been a while. What’s up?”

“Well, I’m going to do a live, and I was wondering if you’d lend me a hand.

I want your rude but straight-cut bass.”


“For guitar, there’s this really good kid.”
“Oh, really.”

“Yeah, I wonder if she’d be willing to be in our band.”
“Oh really, I’ll call her right now.”
He was a high-handed guy.

(some days later)

“Ah, hello, Inazawa? This is Mukai…

How about it? Will you do it with us?”

“Hello, I’m Inazawa.”

They started rehearsing.
“It’s like this”

“Alright, we can do a live with this.”

And so…

“Alright, Number Girl is next.”

And that’s how Number Girl started.
“Oh, whoops.”


18 Dec

Ah, I don’t feel like going out of the house today. I should start working on that backlog, anyway.

And maybe watch that Number Girl DVD again while I’m at it.



This is 向井秀徳。

8 Dec


Love is always like an illusion

9 Sep

I finished typesetting Moteki chapter 4 today. Finally! It took me a week to get it done. Or more like, two or three days, since I was always procrastinating. Anyway, what I like about typesetting mango I actually follow is that I get to read it ahead of the releases (duh!) and that makes me work faster. Lol. Well, I haven’t been as productive as that time before I started working (IRL) again, but I hope to manage my time and tame that relentless beast called laziness (hah!) and be efficient irl and scanlation-wise.



Anyway, I like where this story is going. I’m also pretty excited since chapter 13 has a GOING STEADY song and chapter 29 has NUMBER GIRL. I hope I’m still on board when that rolls around. Number Girl; Trampoline Girl, at that! One of my favorite songs from my favorite band! <Insert crazy fangirl monologue here.>Music x manga = death by nosebleed.


Monday’s almost here. Give it a big hug.

Omoide in my head

22 Jul

Had a three-day weekend. Work resumes tomorrow and I’m not yet done with paperwork. Ugh. Another busy week awaits. Ugh 2x.

I happened to buy sucky adhesive tapes earlier, but I just needed to put this on my wall:
